Grandparents and Grandkids Day Camp

9:30AM to 3:00PM

1 Day Camps: 6/29 and 7/27 ($99)

3 Day Camps: 7/18 – 7/20 ($299)

Prices include up to 3 total participants. Scholarships are available.

Check out footage from our first camp by clicking this image: 

 For scholarship information or questions
contact Shep Byles at

All camps will include catered Farm to Table Lunch
incorporating some veggies from our garden.
All food will be locally sourced and organic, with options
for any dietary restrictions if indicated on your registration form.

1-Day Camps

Grandparents and grandkids will experience sustainable gardening and explore the intricate connections within ecosystems. With a walk in the forest, campers will be prompted to engage their senses to become aware of the natural calming effects of nature through “Forest Bathing.” You will also engage in making natural dyes and paints from different plants and pigments found in nature such as pokeberry, onions, indigo, and more. Through prompts art to encourage deeper thinking into what family means, arts and crafts will be created to take home and cherish.


 3-Day Camps

Outdoor excursions on the campus will focus on identifying native wildlife including discussions on conservation and environmental stewardship. Grandparents and grandkids will be introduced to pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and birds and learn about their vital role in plant reproduction and food production as well as the threats they are facing. Campers will explore weaving techniques using kudzu to make baskets. You will also learn how to gather clay from natural sources, process and shape it, then fire it to create pottery or sculptures.

Made possible with a grant from

Meet the Team

As Camp Director, Environmental Educator, Permaculture Designer and Artist, Sheppard Byles has spent his career working with the land, people, and art. He draws inspiration from years working in plant nurseries, conducting soil analyses, and working as an environmental educator. Sheppard Graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a BA in Sustainability. He Is a Registered Environmental Health Specialist with the State of North Carolina and a Certified Permaculture Designer. Shep is leading the efforts to develop the Creative Aging Network’s 10+ acre Campus to provide space for Gardening, Pollinators, Walking Trails and reflective space. He will be teaching about gardening, pollinators, and piedmont flora and fauna. In addition to his work with CAN-NC, Shep also works with an urban farm network in High Point, and a sheep farm in Snow Camp NC.

Nich Rivers has a background as a professional yodeler, garden educator, and art raconteur. He received a B.A. in Environmental Studies and is currently pursuing an M.A. in Experiential & Outdoor Education. “My grandma started me as her garden helper, and the love for outdoors blossomed from there,” says Nich. He is working as the farm to table coordinator, co-planner, and educator for CAN’s Grands. Wanting to rely on less toxic artistic ingredients led him to explore making natural dyes, pigments, and art through various organic processes.

Alexandra Rivers is an artist and educator originally from New Jersey. She has a B.A. in philosophy with a minor in environmental studies from Wellesley College in Massachusetts. “I moved to the Greensboro area in 2022 to work at Haw River State Park as an outdoor and environmental educator and I have been here ever since,” says Alexandra. At CAN’s Grands she will be teaching freeform kudzu basket weaving. “I learned this style of basketry from Wendy Davis who learned it from renowned indigenous basket-weaver, Nancy Basket. It is through Nancy Basket’s teachings that I have learned to understand the kudzu vine as pervasive, rather than the negative connotation of ‘invasive’ and how to work with it. I am excited to talk about kudzu and weave with everyone!”

Brenda and Ray Silva

Ray, Laguna-Pueblo artist, is a well-known artist in the area who is an enrolled member of the Laguna-Pueblo Tribe from New Mexico, a member of the Guilford Native American Association, a traditional Pow Wow dancer & singer, a traditional flute player, and a traditional visual artist (leather work such as concho belts, dream catchers, mandalas, and medicine wheels). He has lived in Greensboro for more than 20 years with his wife and fellow artist, Brenda Silva.

Brenda – coming soon

Ashley Jones  coming soon

Get In Touch

Location: 2400 Summit Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27405
Telephone: 336-303-9963
Hours: M-F: 9am – 5pm

Meet our Staff

Board of Directors