Meet the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for planning and policy development; community and organizational development; and, fundraising and support development. The Board meets monthly, is responsible for Board Development and is currently seeking to add new members who can bring additional expertise, diversity, and resources to advance organizational growth. To contact a board member, please email info@can-nc.org, write the board members name and your message or question, and your email will be forwarded to the appropriate board member.

Chris Babcock, Incoming Board Chair

Network Chair - Coming Soon

Karen Mangan Atkison, Secretary

Myron White, Treasurer

Sid Branch

Julie Burke

Brian Carroll

Dee Curry

Elise Eifert

Michael Hill

Monique Johnson

Sung-Jin Lee

Valerie McConnell

Will Powell

Burgin Ross

Brenda Silva
Board Chair Chris Babcock was born in Vermont and moved to Greensboro NC to attend Guilford College where he received his Bachelor of Science. He began his career at a local Bank in 2000 as a teller working his way to managing his own office. Today Chris is the Branch Manager for Carter Bank & Trust a Community Bank located in Greensboro. Chris volunteers as an Ambassador for the Chamber of Commerce and avid member of the GMA where he works to promote and support local businesses. Chris is also passionate about Animal Rescue volunteering for the SPCA and other local rescue groups. In his free time Chris love to Fly Fish, travel, and spend time with his two dogs, Miles and Kai.
Born in Connecticut, Secretary Karen Mangan Atkison moved to Burlington, NC from Seattle, WA in October of 1999. She went to Saint Bonaventure University in Olean, NY and Update Medical Center in Syracuse, NY before getting her first job in Rochester, NY in 1978. Karen worked as an allied health care professional and educator in the cancer diagnostics field for over 40 years and is recently retired. She obtained a Master’s in Public Administration with a Health Care Emphasis degree while working as a chief technologist and associate professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center CytoPathology Laboratory in Rochester NY. After 20 years, she went to work for a medical diagnostic company as the Director of Education and Training in the Women’s Health and Cancer division. Inspired by her passion for lifelong learning, she spent the second half of her career honing skills in adult learning theories, instruction design, course development and eLearning. She still strives to inspire and motivate others through education which is one of the reasons CAN-NC is such a wonderful fit. “I look forward to working with and meeting many of you as CAN-NC continues to grow and bring its mission to life in our community,” she says
Born in Los Angeles, CA, Treasurer Myron D. White, PhD is a 30-year Corporate Executive who moved to Greensboro, NC in 2011 and after completing his PhD at North Carolina A&T State University, has resided in High Point, NC for the past 11 years and works as a 7th and 8th Grade Math Teacher at The Point College Preparatory and Leadership Academy (CPLA). Prior to this, he worked as an Insurance Agent for Woodmen Life as well as in the pharmaceutical industry, technology and social media, and in oncology research. He has worked in the financial services industry for 13 years and also teaches Executive MBA students at Queens University every Fall. He received his BS in Industrial Management from Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management with a minor in Computer Science and Finance, an MBA from Harvard Business School in General Management with a concentration in Operations and Finance, and a PhD in Organizational Leadership from North Carolina A&T State University. He is married with 2 adult daughters in Ohio, one with a Masters’ Degree from the University of Cincinnati and one in Medical School at the University of Toledo Medical School.
Sid Branch is a visual artist who makes assemblage art, handmade jewelry, and abstract paintings, reusing materials and adding personal bits and odd junk found on the street. He collects and sells vintage jewelry, black Americana, personal artworks, and other memorabilia. His artwork is often a view and reflection of some national angst as well as the hope that more knowledge, use of resources and intergenerational activity will bring us to a balance. One of my sayings is: “Consider the Humanity in the Process.” Sid was raised in a mixed-race family in Seattle, WA, and worked at Pacific NW Bell before taking early retirement in 1985. He then moved to New York City and worked at Citibank, NA until 1988 when he opened a storefront computer store, Branch Communications, on the Lower East Side which operated until 1992. Following this, he was self-employed with numerous theater jobs and several staging companies and received a BS degree in Theater (craft/playwriting) in 1996 from Hunter College through a Baccalaureate program for older students. “I was seriously hurt when hit by a cab in 1997. I did not return to heavy lifting jobs but was busy in recovery.” Sid wrote wrote and self-produced two plays, “Cafe Bimbo”and “Mickey-O”, became a board member at the E. 8th St. Co-Op/ HDFC and a mentor for Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). He went back to Seattle in 2003 to care for his mother’s affairs during what he refers to as, “The Last 4 Years”, before returning to NYC in 2009. In 2011-12 he completed a graduate study at MCNY from to receive an MPA in Emergency and Disaster Management. He has lived in Greensboro since 2016 with his wife, Elizabeth Flax, and dog, Armon. “Being on this board with Creative Aging Network-NC is an honor as I believe that we must respect and aid in the quality of life for people during their aging journey.”
Julie Burke – coming soon!
As a Senior Project Manager and Senior Living Sector Leader, Principal Brian Carroll, AIA is involved in all aspects of design and management on each of his projects. From master planning, programming, and pre-design/feasibility studies through construction documents and construction administration, his experience on a broad range of project types enables him to lend a fresh perspective to each new project. His strong desire to positively impact the community and built environment is evidenced by involvement in project types including senior living, primary, secondary and higher education, medical, municipal, and religious facilities. He also has extensive experience in complex phased renovations and additions to occupied buildings, and has managed some of the firm’s largest senior living projects. Brian joined AIA in 1997, and has served the Greensboro area for over 25 years.
Dee Curry was born and raised in Pennsylvania in a town northeast of Philadelphia. She moved to the South in 1992, graduated from nursing school in South Carolina in 2012 and found her way to North Carolina in 2013. She is currently a Hospital Liaison LPN for AuthoraCare Collective in Greensboro, NC. She has focused on Gerontology in her nursing career because she has a passion for working with older adults. Dee has always had a heart for volunteering, which led her to becoming a Candy Striper at the age of 14, singing at local nursing facilities, crocheting Afghans and hats and donating them, visiting the “sick and shut-in’ members of the church with her sons and finally, periodically volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. Dee loves community theater and has been active with Winston Salem Theater Alliance appearing in several stage plays over the past 5+ years, including “Ghost”, “Hairspray” and “Ragtime”. She believes that intergenerational and multicultural interaction is a way for the younger population to glean wisdom and gain understanding of the struggles older adults face. In an ideal world, older adults will be revered, respected and protected by those who will one day fill their shoes. CAN-NC is a way for our communities to make this happen! Dee’s favorite saying is, “I am not afraid of tomorrow because I’ve seen yesterday and I love today!”
Elise Eifert – Elise Eifert, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Graduate Gerontology Program Coordinator, has a MS in Health Promotion with a minor in Human Sexuality from Indiana University at Bloomington and a BS in Health Education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Dr. Eifert served as an Alzheimer’s disease and dementia educator in Fort Myers, Florida for five years before returning to school to pursue her doctorate. She graduated in 2014 from UNCG with a Ph.D. in Public Health Education and a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Gerontology. She is also a Certified Health Education Specialist. While in school, she was given life-changing advice – take any health education position to earn some experience. This proved pivotal as her original dream to work in the sexual health field and “become the next Dr. Ruth” transformed once she began working as an Alzheimer’s disease and dementia educator in Florida. “I had the responsibility of educating and informing the general public, professionals, family caregivers, and numerous others about Alzheimer’s disease. I loved the job and considered it an honor to be given the opportunity to educate and support the many people who sacrifice their own lives to care for others. Despite the many joys, I often saw people struggle as well. Their heartbreak was very familiar to me. I knew their pain and feelings of helplessness because of my own family’s experiences with Alzheimer’s disease- my great grandfather and both of my grandmothers had dementia. I not only saw the effect of the disease on the person but the impact it had on the family as they struggled to support their loved one.” Ultimately, Dr. Eifert wants to pursue a career in academia where she can perform and disseminate research that improves the family caregiving experience and inspires students to pursue careers in Gerontology.
Michael Hill – With over 30 years of dedicated military service, Michael has demonstrated unparalleled leadership and commitment to excellence. After retiring from a distinguished career in the armed forces, Michael leveraged his experiences earning an MBA, a Master of Science in Project Management (MSPM), and a Master of Science in Human Resource Development (MSHRD), further honing his skills in management, strategy, and organizational development. Currently,Michael serves as the Director of Marketing and Development at The Servant Center, where he is deeply committed to supporting his fellow veterans experiencing homelessness. In this role, he utilizes his extensive background in strategic planning and organizational growth to enhance the center’s outreach and effectiveness, ensuring that veterans receive the vital services and support they need. Balancing a demanding career with a fulfilling family life, Michael is a proud husband and devoted parent of two children and five grandchildren. His multifaceted life journey reflects a rich blend of professional expertise and personal dedication, embodying a commitment to both service and family.
Monique Johnson is a unique and powerful motivational speaker and artist. Her uplifting story has given her the platform and opportunity to reach thousands of individuals nationally and internationally. Monique’s story has been covered by all forms of media. She has even been featured nationally on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. Why? Monique only stands 24″ tall due to a genetic anomaly. She was born with Diastrophic Dysplasia Dwarfism – one of the rarest forms. With a life full of obstacles, challenges, and uncertainty, Monique could have undoubtedly been jaded by her disability. Instead, she chose from a young age to live an amazing life. Now 36, with a business degree and a law degree, Johnson is a successful entrepreneur and artist who touches lives around the world with her incredible tale of perseverance and her gifts of humor, painting and motivational speaking.
Dr. Sung-Jin Lee is a housing researcher and educator, and a Certified Aging-in-Place specialist. Dr. Lee is a Professor of Housing Research in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at North Carolina A&T State University. Regarding her research interests, Dr. Lee has focused on housing for an aging society, social and environmental issues, sustainable communities, and secondary data analyses. Since 2010, Dr. Lee has served as the principal investigator for USDA Evans Allen research projects on assessing strategies utilized by North Carolina older adults aging in place (home and community), with special emphasis on older, limited-resource households. When implementing the projects, Dr. Lee has also mentored both graduate and undergraduate research assistants. Regarding her teaching career at N.C. A&T, Dr. Lee has 12 years of teaching experience in FCS/housing and research-methods courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels; and has engaged in the design and execution of curricula, marketing and recruitment/retention plans, and assessment which has been utilized for two USDA NIFA 1890s Capacity Building Grant projects. Besides, Dr. Lee has enthusiastically pursued service and leadership roles for the department, the college, and the university (e.g., committee membership) as well as professional organizations at the state, national and international levels (e.g., top-tier journal manuscript reviewer; board member/committee chair; [international journal] editorial board member).
Valerie Sakhet McConnell, MPH owner of NuAri Solutions, is a dedicated public health educator with expertise in fine-tuning financial operations and implementing operational improvements. She has a MPH and an Ethic Rural and Health Disparities Certificate from East Carolina University, Greenville, NC and a BS BM from University of Maryland Global Campus. For more than twenty years, Valerie has worked with spiritual and community-based organizations in the Washington, DC, Bermuda, and North Carolina areas. For several years, she has consulted with a natural foods co-op in Washington DC, helping them obtain sponsor funding and evolving their Annual Health and Wellness Workshops. Her focus is on connecting non-profits and community-based organizations to implement, evaluate, and disseminate evidence-based preventive health programs which develop solutions and management strategies to eliminate health disparities. Valerie is a member of the Society for Public Health Education and served on the North Carolina Public Health Association, BIPOC Committee and the Virginia Commonwealth University Health, Patient & Family Advisory Committee. She has provided numerous healthy eating/healthy living presentations throughout North Carolina, Virginia, DC, and Maryland. “My studies in healthy living are based on over twenty years of study, teaching, life experience, and application.”
As a philanthropy officer with Cone Health, Will Powell directly supports Heart & Vascular care. He is a proud Demon Deacon and graduate of Wake Forest in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in economics and minor in psychology. He received his master’s degree in kinesiology from the University of Georgia in 2010. Will is excited about his work in healthcare philanthropy after a 12-year career at Elon University. He believes in helping others and is drawn to heart and vascular care specifically after his own family experiences with the exceptional care his grandfather received at Cone Health after his heart attack.When not fundraising, Will loves doing all things Wake Forest sporting (Go Deacs!) and catching Carolina Panthers home games (Keep Pounding!) with his wife Erika and daughter Grace. And we can’t forget, he enjoys family time at home with their dog Kona too.
Burgin Ross is a former Peace Corps Volunteer, serving in Africa 1974-1976 following graduation from UNCG. A Registered Dietitian/Licensed Nutritionist since 1977, her early work was in a variety of hospital settings. She started a private practice in 1990 with a focus on Long Term Care settings. She consulted for 13 different facilities, including CCRC’s and nursing homes as well as 3 different Hospice organizations in Triad. She also volunteered with two AIDS service agencies during that time. In 2008, Burgin added adjunct teaching in Nutrition at UNCG to her private practice, taking a full-time position in 2010 and eventually discontinuing her private practice. She retired in 2021 as an Associate Professor. Her specialty was food science/food chemistry in addition to general nutrition classes. “I thoroughly loved teaching.”
Brenda Silva started beadwork and dancing at the age of 12. With Haliwa-Saponi mother and father, is an enrolled member of the Haliwa-Saponi Tribe from Hollister, North Carolina. She has been dancing, singing, and creating customized beadwork for Native dancers and other individuals across the US and Canada for 40 years. She has also participated in special performances both nationally and internationally and has danced in competitions across the US and Canada, winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in Fancy Shawl and Jingle. For 5 years she worked as a Craft and Dance Instructor at the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe, CT and has conducted dozens of bead and dance workshops for various tribes, colleges, universities, and K-12 schools along the east coast including Mohegan Tribe, CT, Rancocas Indian Reservation, NJ, United American Indians of Del. Valley, PA, Baltimore Indian Center, Baltimore, MD, and throughout North Carolina such as the Cumberland Co. of Indians in Fayettville, Haliwa-Saponi Tribe in Hollister, and the Guilford Native Indian Center in Greensboro. “I feel very fortunate to be able to perform and teach, to promote Native American Culture, so that all races of people can have a better understanding of our beautiful culture, and to stop the negative stereotypes.” Brenda’s beaded pieces have been displayed at the Tuscarora Indian Musuem in NY state, Atwater Kent Historical Musuem in Phila, Pa., Rancocas Indian Res. in NJ., Heyes Foundation in NY, NY., and North Carolina State Museum, Raleigh, NC. Additionally, she has performed with various dance troupes including Moon Shadow Dancers, Cherokee, NC, Foxwoods Dance Troupe, CT, Red Hawk, NY, Howling Wolf, Dancers, Phila., PA, and Eagle Feather Dance Troup, Greensboro, NC/owned. Special performances have included Miss Indian USA, Kennedy Center, Wash, DC, President Ronald Reagan Inaugural Parade, Wash, DC, Miccosukee Cultural Fest, Hula Bowl, Hawaii, Special Olympics, CT, Olympics, Atlanta Georgia, Powwow Video, Smithsonian, and the Goodwill Games in Good Will Games, St. Petersburg, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Italy, France. “I still perform and compete, teach and create beaded regalia for dancers. I am grateful to have children and grandchildren to carry on the traditions of dance, singing and beading. I feel very fortunate to experience these accomplishments in my life. I feel it is my responsibility to share my knowledge and traditions with everyone so that will not get lost.”
Board Emeritus
CAN-NC has established a category of board member known as a board member emeritus who is nominated and elected by the board of directors. Board members emeritus shall be selected from those board members who have served on the board of directors for 6 years with distinction and excellence.

Nancy Lenk has over 20 years of senior management experience with non-profit organizations. She possesses excellent interpersonal skills in successfully building relationships, interfacing with diverse groups, committees and boards of directors. Nancy graduated with a BSW from UNCG in 1978. She lived in Atlanta, Georgia for 30 years before returning to Greensboro in 2010. In addition to her volunteer work with CAN-NC, she is on the Steering Committee for the Glenwood Time Exchange and is active in her neighborhood association.
Friends of the Board
Friends of the Board are invited to serve to provide expertise that advances the organization’s goals. They may help broaden the organization’s perspective, support general projects and events, or contribute in other ways as determined by the Board and its committees. Friends of the Board are not Board members; they must be approved by the Board and invited by the Chair to attend Board meetings.

Doug Gentry

Christina Peoples

Ray Silva
Born in Wilmington, DE Douglas J. Gentry, MBA has 30 plus years of experience both with corporations and non-profit agencies. He started as a General Accounting Supervisor for ICI Americas. He then went into non-profit as Accounting Director with Delaware Hospice, Finance Director for Partners for Kids and Families, and the United Way of Delaware. Doug moved to Greensboro, NC in 2004 and was Finance Director for Senior Resources of Guilford, Assistant to Accounting Director at Snider Tire and then spent the last 4 years with the National Board of Certified Counselors as the Finance Director. Doug took a brief retirement period and is currently employed as Accounting Director at Alamance Partnership for Children. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting, at Goldey Beacom College, Wilmington, DE and master’s in business administration at Wilmington University, Wilmington, DE.
Christina Peoples is a native of North Carolina. Her passion is working with older adults and her desire is to educate people about the world of Gerontology. She holds a Master of Science degree in Gerontology with a concentration in aging and business, which was obtained from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. However, Christina credits her foundation in the field of Gerontology to the Historically Black College/University, Winston-Salem State University. Christina is also a blogger for Gero-what?!, which is purposed to dispel/eliminate the many myths and stereotypes that are directed towards aging, to provide resources, and to exemplify that life doesn’t end just because we turn another year older. Christina currently works as an Ombudsman at the Piedmont Triad Regional Council Area Agency on Aging.
Ray Silva is a well-known artist in the area who is an enrolled member of the Laguna-Pueblo Tribe from New Mexico. He is a traditional Pow Wow Dancer & Singer, a traditional flute player and a traditional visual artist (leather work such as concho belts, dream catchers, mandalas, and medicine wheels). Ray has lived in Greensboro for more than 20 years with his wife and fellow artist, Brenda.